"Act so as to keep the mind clear, its judgment trustworthy" - Dickson G. Watts, author of Speculation As A Fine Art And Thoughts On Life. [A brief summary here (link)]

Sunday, April 25, 2010

good link

No post this weekend. Had to work a full day at my day job.

I did however follow a great link provided by Falkenblog. Has to do with low volatility stocks providing returns in line with overall equities (contradicting Modern Portfolio Theory), so that your return per unit of heartburn is maximized. Not only heartburn, but 'risk' insofar as (i) big drawdowns to your account have the potential to cause panic and lead you to sell at the worst possible time or (ii) you may have an unexpected use for that money you previously thought was 'long-term' and end up needing to sell at relatively low prices.

Quote for the Week: "He that cleaves to wealth had better cast it away than allow his heart to be poisoned by it: but he who does not cleave to wealth, and possessing riches, uses them rightly, will be a blessing unto his fellows." - Siddhartha Gautama Buddha (c. 563 BC - 483 BC).

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