"Act so as to keep the mind clear, its judgment trustworthy" - Dickson G. Watts, author of Speculation As A Fine Art And Thoughts On Life. [A brief summary here (link)]

Sunday, May 2, 2010

model portfolio refinement

I've decided to reduce the average Beta of the model portfolio. Although the model portfolio has been keeping ahead of our primary benchmark of Vanguard Total World Stock Index (ticker: VT), I'd prefer a little less correlation. Therefore, I've drastically cut down the number of stocks in the portfolio from 665 to 138 by selling all the higher beta stocks and redeploying the proceeds to the lowest beta stocks (all without incurring any trading commissions). My expectation is this reallocation will provide for less volatility going forward without any diminished returns in the long-run. However, in the short-run, if the S&P and/or VT spurt upwards, the model portfolio will most likely show some temporary underperformance, which is fine. Based on the stats shown in the chart above (calculated by folioinvesting.com), the Beta of our model portfolio is now 0.43 (relative to the S&P). Note, the Beta of the model portfolio was already 'low' at ~0.78 prior to these changes. Unfortunately, folio doesn't calculate the same stats relative to VT.

Quote for the Week: "I must die. If forthwith, I die; and if a little later, I will take lunch now, since the hour for lunch has come, and afterwards I will die at the appointed time". - Epictetus (AD 55 - AD 135) [In other words, it's counterproductive to worry about uncontrollable outcomes]

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