"Act so as to keep the mind clear, its judgment trustworthy" - Dickson G. Watts, author of Speculation As A Fine Art And Thoughts On Life. [A brief summary here (link)]

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


i've been neglecting my commitment to weekly posts because i was on vacation this past week in searsport, maine where my wife has family. couldn't have asked for better weather - sunny everyday and mid-70s temp. only drawback was i threw out my shoulder either golfing, skipping rocks, or tugging on the dogs' leashes - take your pick. was ok though b/c i didn't look at the blackberry and successfully checked out mentally from the office. fresh lobster (1.5 lb, hardshell) from young's lobster pound didn't hurt either. most important, family time was a treat.

i succeeded just prior to the trip in sparking my 15-year-old's interest in philosophy (to add to our shared interests) and we basically went wild buying a bunch of books on the subject at the various independent bookstores. everything from text books published in 1901 to modern library edition classics from the 1950s to re-interpretations published this century. what this means is i now have fresh quotes to pass along to you dear reader.

Quote for the week: "How singular a thing is pleasure and how curiously related to pain, which might be thought to be the opposite of it; for they never come to a man together, and yet he who pursues either of them is generally compelled to take the other." - Socrates, presumably speaking of my shoulder or market volatility, i'm not sure which.